Sunday, May 3, 2009

Guard from Auschwitz

My name is Ferge Brient, and I am a guard at the concentration camp in Auschwitz. I watch thousands of men, women, children, and newborns walk into this camp, which most don’t leave. The train cars that are packed full of eighty or more people come show up with some dead already. Some think it’s better to die there than get put into the furnace, or work until you can’t anymore or become useless. 

That’s what I do, I work at the furnaces. I have one brother thats here too, but works as a “doctor.” He enjoys himself, I mean he’s free just has a sick and wrong job. He doesn’t understand that though... he experiments on people and kills them. Isn’t that wrong? I on the other hand, do not like it you can tell. I know what is right and what isn’t. The women and children get separated from the men. The ones that are “chosen” are made to do hard labor, and the rest are sent to the “showers” or the furnaces. The showers are horrid, and the people are completely clueless. Walk in, strip down, and doors get shut and locked behind you. Sadly, the people have no escape and the gas that comes from the nozzles of the shower heads fills the room. 

We work long days, but get good serving sizes of breads, soups, and any other food there is to give. This is why my brother likes it. He thinks he’s on the “good” side. Is there sides? There should just be people, people that can have their own beliefs. I try to think of it from some of the prisoners perspectives, i probably shouldn’t though. You can’t let people see the ways you truly are, especially if your against people who can and will kill you. If your too reasonable, kind, or understanding...say goodbye to your life. It’s gone. 

I wish this war could end, and all the fire and bloodshed would disappear. The future, oh it would be great if it was bright, but the days people look back on this will be disappointing. Millions dead because of hatred. Will anyone notice that it was wrong?