Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Love at First Sight???

Love at first sight is an emotional condition where a person feels a romantic attraction for a stranger on the first encounter with them. Most of the time this saying means literally falling in love, but other times it could refer to a mere sexual attraction or crush. Example: love at first sight can be seeing someone at a party and then looking across the room and meeting their eyes. Their eyes could weaken your knees, take your breathe away, and you would then say, “love at first sight.” 

Personally, i think love at first sight is all luck. If you do encounter these feelings there are a lot of things that could go wrong. Such as, them not feeling the same way, you and that person have nothing in common, or just plain not connecting at all. That’s when the other saying comes in, “It’s on the inside that counts.” Well, that’s how it is with me. If you see someone across the room and say, “wow their beautiful or hansom,” that’s on the outside. What about the inside? Someone could be smiling and laughing, but could be totally lost inside. Love is complicated, but this first sight situation could be even more frustrating. Advise to take, get to know someone before you say it’s actually love...or have them walk by again. No, don’t do that, but it’s funny that some people actually think that walking by more than once can change someone’s mind about them. 

Love at first sight is a feeling. Some people can get lucky, but others maybe could think their just hopeless. Find someone you can connect with and then one day you may be able to say, “last true love.”  

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