Monday, February 16, 2009

Vocabulary Words February 16th


Remnants-NOUN- a small remaining quantity of something

Penury-NOUN- Extreme poverty; destitution

Haughty- ADJ-arrogantly superior and disdainful

Sepulcher-NOUN- a small room or monument, cut in a rock or built of stone, in which a dead person is laid or buried.

Ambiguities- NOUN-uncertainty or inexactness of meaning in language

Scourge- NOUN- historical whip used as an instrument of punishment

Caitiff-NOUN/ADJ-a contemptible or cowardly person.

Apothecary-NOUN-a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs

Beshrew-VERB- invoke evil upon; curse; blame for a misfortune

Peruse-VERB- read thoroughly or carefully

Inauspicious-ADJ- unfortunate or unlucky

Amorous-ADJ- showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire

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