Friday, April 10, 2009

haha i think this is the final draft.....maybe.... =)

Who was responsible for the six deaths throughout the play?? This question can have many different answers by the way you look at it. Romeo, who was the center of the problem, caused many difficulties by his rash ways. However, who was the meddler? Who tried to help but only made things worse? Friar Lawrence.

When Romeo fell in love with Juliet, they decided to marry the next day. The “Father” figured by marrying them the family feud between the Montague’s and the Capulet’s would disappear. Therefore, they got married, and no happily-ever-after was insight. Tybalt decides to go after Romeo, but because Romeo and Juliet are now married, he refuses to fight Tybalt. So, Tybalt goes after Mercutio who baits him as a joke. Romeo steps in, but when he faces Mercutio, Tybalt takes a dagger and stabs Mercutio under Romeo’s arm. Again, Romeo is rash and in one split second, he decides that revenge is in order. He chases Tybalt down, stabs him, and then the Prince blames both deaths on him. Romeo is therefore banished, and goes to Mantua. This outcome made Lady Montague kill herself. The Friar broke laws that a “Father” shouldn’t nor ever would. He let Romeo and Juliet get married without telling their parents, gave Juliet poison, and held Romeo when he was wanted for murders. If the Friar never let them get married, the future for them could have turned out completely different.

Next, he gives Juliet a way out of having to marry Paris, which is where the vial or “poison” comes in. Taking the contents of it would give her the appearance of being dead. She does what he asks, and Balthazar sees her “dead” body and rushes to tell Romeo. Friar Lawrence sent Romeo a letter to tell him of this plan, but because of the plague, it never was sent. He believes that she is dead, rushes back, and buys the poison from the apothecary. Then, he goes to the tomb, and Paris is in his way so he kills him. He still thinks Juliet is dead, and he takes the poison and dies. Juliet wakes up, sees Romeo, and therefore takes her own life. If the Friar let things happen instead of meddling with other people’s lives and problems, they could be still living. Don’t meddle!!!

Romeo is in love with Rosaline! Then all of a sudden at the party, he sees Juliet, falls in love, forgets Rosaline, and marries Juliet the next day. What!?! Way way way too rash! Then when Tybalt stabs and kills Mercutio, instead of thinking about his NEW WIFE, he goes and gets revenge. Then, when Friar Lawrence’s plan backfires and Romeo never got the letters saying this was a scheme, he goes and buys poison from the apothecary. He kills himself without talking to anyone else. Romeo was way too quick to make his decisions, but the Friar Lawrence meddled when he shouldn’t have.

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