Sunday, May 3, 2009

Guard from Auschwitz

My name is Ferge Brient, and I am a guard at the concentration camp in Auschwitz. I watch thousands of men, women, children, and newborns walk into this camp, which most don’t leave. The train cars that are packed full of eighty or more people come show up with some dead already. Some think it’s better to die there than get put into the furnace, or work until you can’t anymore or become useless. 

That’s what I do, I work at the furnaces. I have one brother thats here too, but works as a “doctor.” He enjoys himself, I mean he’s free just has a sick and wrong job. He doesn’t understand that though... he experiments on people and kills them. Isn’t that wrong? I on the other hand, do not like it you can tell. I know what is right and what isn’t. The women and children get separated from the men. The ones that are “chosen” are made to do hard labor, and the rest are sent to the “showers” or the furnaces. The showers are horrid, and the people are completely clueless. Walk in, strip down, and doors get shut and locked behind you. Sadly, the people have no escape and the gas that comes from the nozzles of the shower heads fills the room. 

We work long days, but get good serving sizes of breads, soups, and any other food there is to give. This is why my brother likes it. He thinks he’s on the “good” side. Is there sides? There should just be people, people that can have their own beliefs. I try to think of it from some of the prisoners perspectives, i probably shouldn’t though. You can’t let people see the ways you truly are, especially if your against people who can and will kill you. If your too reasonable, kind, or understanding...say goodbye to your life. It’s gone. 

I wish this war could end, and all the fire and bloodshed would disappear. The future, oh it would be great if it was bright, but the days people look back on this will be disappointing. Millions dead because of hatred. Will anyone notice that it was wrong? 

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What is Job?

Job was a pious man who suffered one undeserved misfortune after another. He lost his prosperity and his family and was then stricken with painful sores all over his body. In response, he dared to challenge God, protesting about his suffering, and asking why God allowed it. In Night, when Eliezer loses his faith, he resembles Job; he doubts the justice of God.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Indifference is worse than hate"

Hate. To feel intense or passionate dislike for some. "If he went to the right, I would go after him," said by Elie Wiesel. He cared for his father, and was once afraid of the future to come. In one day, he experienced that really there was no hope. He saw what happened to people just because, and witnessed many deaths and tragedies in families...and in his own. Him and his father were separated from his mother and sisters and will never see them again. "Working is liberty," well not really. In this case it or die. Choose one...and pick wisely. People died on the spot, or worked until they no longer could. Apparently don't ask questions...that's what Elie's father did, but to only be smacked so hard across the face he fell to the ground. Elie watched this happen, and he once felt this horrid hate towards the criminals...and now felt nothing. In one NIGHT he had changed. When watching this he felt sick, only because he didn't feel any presence of anger, but more of nothing. The future looked dim, and dark, and soon to be ending. "Indifference is worse than hate" Its better to feel something than nothing at all...

Friday, April 10, 2009

haha i think this is the final draft.....maybe.... =)

Who was responsible for the six deaths throughout the play?? This question can have many different answers by the way you look at it. Romeo, who was the center of the problem, caused many difficulties by his rash ways. However, who was the meddler? Who tried to help but only made things worse? Friar Lawrence.

When Romeo fell in love with Juliet, they decided to marry the next day. The “Father” figured by marrying them the family feud between the Montague’s and the Capulet’s would disappear. Therefore, they got married, and no happily-ever-after was insight. Tybalt decides to go after Romeo, but because Romeo and Juliet are now married, he refuses to fight Tybalt. So, Tybalt goes after Mercutio who baits him as a joke. Romeo steps in, but when he faces Mercutio, Tybalt takes a dagger and stabs Mercutio under Romeo’s arm. Again, Romeo is rash and in one split second, he decides that revenge is in order. He chases Tybalt down, stabs him, and then the Prince blames both deaths on him. Romeo is therefore banished, and goes to Mantua. This outcome made Lady Montague kill herself. The Friar broke laws that a “Father” shouldn’t nor ever would. He let Romeo and Juliet get married without telling their parents, gave Juliet poison, and held Romeo when he was wanted for murders. If the Friar never let them get married, the future for them could have turned out completely different.

Next, he gives Juliet a way out of having to marry Paris, which is where the vial or “poison” comes in. Taking the contents of it would give her the appearance of being dead. She does what he asks, and Balthazar sees her “dead” body and rushes to tell Romeo. Friar Lawrence sent Romeo a letter to tell him of this plan, but because of the plague, it never was sent. He believes that she is dead, rushes back, and buys the poison from the apothecary. Then, he goes to the tomb, and Paris is in his way so he kills him. He still thinks Juliet is dead, and he takes the poison and dies. Juliet wakes up, sees Romeo, and therefore takes her own life. If the Friar let things happen instead of meddling with other people’s lives and problems, they could be still living. Don’t meddle!!!

Romeo is in love with Rosaline! Then all of a sudden at the party, he sees Juliet, falls in love, forgets Rosaline, and marries Juliet the next day. What!?! Way way way too rash! Then when Tybalt stabs and kills Mercutio, instead of thinking about his NEW WIFE, he goes and gets revenge. Then, when Friar Lawrence’s plan backfires and Romeo never got the letters saying this was a scheme, he goes and buys poison from the apothecary. He kills himself without talking to anyone else. Romeo was way too quick to make his decisions, but the Friar Lawrence meddled when he shouldn’t have.

Friday, February 27, 2009

R & J

Friar Lawrence-
On Thursday Holy crap! That’s awfully soon!

That’s how my future father-in-law wants it, and I will not disappoint him.

Friar Lawrence-
Ok, but you don’t know what Juliet thinks? Maybe you should find out then come back here.

Tybalt just died, she’s upset, and I’m here for her to make her feel better. Let her cry on my shoulder. Its better to cry with me, then if she was to cry by herself. Let things calm down and then let me speak to her. Capulet is making the right move to move the date sooner.

Friar Lawrence- (TO HIMSELF)
Oh my goodness! I wish I didn’t know about any of this and I stayed out of the Capulet/Montague conflicts. Ugh…. here comes Juliet now….
(Juliet enters)

Paris- How you doen wifey?

Juliet- Ha-ha yeah that could be…if AFTER I marry you.

Paris- Chu will be Thursday! Ho! Fa sho!

Juliet- Excuse me!? Whatever happens will happen, and you in my future…. probably just…..wont happen.

Friar Lawrence- Yeah, truth!

Paris- Why are you here? Finally giving in to my hott bod, and confessing you totally love me?

Juliet- Ha-ha…right…like I speak that.

Paris- You so love me, and you know you’re impressed. Don’t fight it.

Juliet- Well I love Friar Lawrence, and that is true.

Paris-“Cough cough” …and me.

Juliet- Yeah let me just say I’ll tell the priest that.

Paris- Oh, your face is so sad, tears have affected it dramatically.

Juliet- It was like that before Tybalt died.

(Singing)“You are beautiful in every single way”…. so stop saying that….right now. You need to be kind to yourself.

Juliet- I am oogly and that is what I know to be thy truth.

Paris- I OWN YOU B****! Stop acting like that!

Juliet- Well I don’t own my face, and I need time with Friar Lawrence. Are you ready father, or should I come back later?

Friar Lawrence- I have time, once this D-Bag leaves…hint hint.

Paris- Oh dear Juliet, I may not stand in your way to confess to the father about your love for me. I’ll wake you up on Thursday morning. Hold my kiss until I see you again.
(Paris leaves)
Juliet- This is a disaster! I do not know what to do! Cry with me father!

Friar Lawrence- I know of the situation, and I don’t know how you could solve this wretched problem. You marry Paris on Thursday? Is there a way of delaying it?

Juliet- Say something useful! Is there a way of stopping this so I can forget about this mess and go back to my loving Romeo?! I will stab myself if that is the only solution, and if I end up marrying Paris that’s gonna be an action. Advise, wisdom, anything?!?!?!

Friar Lawrence- Alright alright. There is something….but its dangerous. If you’re thinking of suicide, then you’ll be able to do anything…or at least what I have in mind.

Juliet- Seriously! Feed me to alligators, run me over with a semi, hang me on a post and let piranhas eat my flesh, shoot me with a shovel. Anything…I’ll do anything.

Friar Lawrence- Jesus! Ok. Well go back to your house and find your dad and be like, “Dad, getting married…Paris….Thursday.” You guys will hug, and then he’s going to want to celebrate with Paris and family the next night…which is Wednesday…BUT…say your tired and you need to go to bed. Do not let the skanky nurse follow you. This vial…it will give you all the symptoms of being dead. Cold and pale skin, no pulse, pupils will become larger. It will last for two days. I’ll send a letter to Romeo, he’ll come back for when you awaken, and then you two will escape to Mantua. Just don’t be a sissy girl and not go through with it.
Juliet- Whatever old man, just give me the juice!

Friar Lawrence- Do it, I will send someone immediately to Mantua to tell Romeo. Good luck.

Juliet- Thank you father, good bye, and send me with courage.

(not plagerized at all)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

words of the dayy

Beshrew- V- Danny refuses to be beshrewed by Ian.

Peruse- V- I perused my notes for science so I could pass the test.

Monday, February 23, 2009

2/23 WOTD

Caitiff (N) Hahahahaha...right...Anna a caitiff smacked me with a bat, well i got up and shot her in the head. =)

Apothecary- The apothecary gave Ian drugs for his broken bones...that i kicked. muahahaha.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Words of the dayy.

Ambiguities- The ambiguities of my sisters comment saying i could eat anything i wanted made me go straight to the candy draw.

Scourge- Ms. Demark makes me scourge helplessly in math class.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

WoRdS oF tHe DaY

Haughty- I agree with Fielding when he says that Anna is haughty.

Sepulcher- Sepulchers are fun to go see at night.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Words of the day. (xc style haha)

Remnants- N - The remnants of the xc team were praised by Fielding because they were the ones that survived.

Penury- The penury of Fielding's quientess brought about the fact that not only we lost to Haines in xc, but also in basketball.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! Fielding i did it!!! Soooo good! 

Basketball the most played worldwide sport

When in a bad mood grab a ball and tunes  

Ballin it up beating people up the court 

Is so much fun watching someone’s head fume 

Its hard to explain the love for this game

Playing with a team only includes five    

No matter what happens the games the same

Apponents are like cars easy to drive 

Basketball is chocolate, easy to love

The ball itself has a mind of its own 

And watch out in the key, people can shove 

Don't run into someone if they're set in stone 

Safety first then teamwork is the saying 

No matter what happens just keep playing 

Monday, February 16, 2009

Vocabulary Words February 16th


Remnants-NOUN- a small remaining quantity of something

Penury-NOUN- Extreme poverty; destitution

Haughty- ADJ-arrogantly superior and disdainful

Sepulcher-NOUN- a small room or monument, cut in a rock or built of stone, in which a dead person is laid or buried.

Ambiguities- NOUN-uncertainty or inexactness of meaning in language

Scourge- NOUN- historical whip used as an instrument of punishment

Caitiff-NOUN/ADJ-a contemptible or cowardly person.

Apothecary-NOUN-a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs

Beshrew-VERB- invoke evil upon; curse; blame for a misfortune

Peruse-VERB- read thoroughly or carefully

Inauspicious-ADJ- unfortunate or unlucky

Amorous-ADJ- showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire

Insulting sentence

Thou gorbellied hell-hated dread bolted flax-wench!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Words on the day

Wayward- Anna is a wayward person, you can never tell what she's going to do to you.

Dismal- The dismal message made the girl sad.

Fickle- The boys basketball team's wins and losses are fickle.

Conduit- The conduit brought water from the waterfall to my house.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Words of the Day

Devise- I devise to smash Stolli into the ground during basketball season, and then she may not be able to run for xc.

Pensive- I was not pensive during science class because instead of paying attention, i took a nap.

Consort- The king's consort slapped him in the face.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Words of The Day

Forsworn- Rori forswore that she did her chores. 

Gallant- Rori is a gallant person. 

Exile- If we lose to Haines, I will not be upset about being exiled out of the class. 

haha =)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Words O' The Day

Once the other son walked in with mud on his shoes, the other was absolved by their mother.

Anna is sincerely a loathsome person to me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Words of thy day 1/14

Augmenting- Rori's bomb basketball skill were augmenting to the team.
Heretics- The heretics of the man who thought they should go fight were shot down by the council.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Vex- Fielding gave me a vexed look when I got out my computer.
Transgression- I know Jayce's transgression- tofu bars!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Words o' the day 1/12

PERNICIOUS- ADJ- The pernicious feud between Fielding and Rori made him run out of the building rather quickly.

GRIEVANCE- N- Her grievance against people who do not mind there own business was brought up when someone else got involved.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

At The Ball....

At the ball, there were a lot of key things that did show you who the characters were, and an idea of the role they play. Some girls say things like, “I’m waiting for my knight in shining armor.” Romeo, at the ball was dressed in silver costume as a knight. Juliet saw him through the fish tank and she found hers instantly. Juliet though, was an angel who wore wings and a white dress. The beautiful angel was exactly what Romeo saw in her even though she was part of the different family. Juliet was the “angel” of the family. Ugh....and the Prince. He’s definitely out there somewhere besides on this earth with everyone else. At the ball, he wore a space suite. That fit him perfectly. Juliet’s mother wore a wig and a slutty dress. She danced with multiple guys, and made out with them. She didn’t seem to really care much about her daughter so instead she made sure she looked perfect. This style showed her truth. There were many examples of symbols in the beginning of Romeo and Juliet and most show the people’s true colors. 

Words of The Day 1/8

Amuscades- NOUN- Jayce's ambuscades recked everyone's mood at the party.
Canker- ADJ or NOUN- Mr. Fielding's dancing is a canker to the whole aspect of dancing.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Love at First Sight???

Love at first sight is an emotional condition where a person feels a romantic attraction for a stranger on the first encounter with them. Most of the time this saying means literally falling in love, but other times it could refer to a mere sexual attraction or crush. Example: love at first sight can be seeing someone at a party and then looking across the room and meeting their eyes. Their eyes could weaken your knees, take your breathe away, and you would then say, “love at first sight.” 

Personally, i think love at first sight is all luck. If you do encounter these feelings there are a lot of things that could go wrong. Such as, them not feeling the same way, you and that person have nothing in common, or just plain not connecting at all. That’s when the other saying comes in, “It’s on the inside that counts.” Well, that’s how it is with me. If you see someone across the room and say, “wow their beautiful or hansom,” that’s on the outside. What about the inside? Someone could be smiling and laughing, but could be totally lost inside. Love is complicated, but this first sight situation could be even more frustrating. Advise to take, get to know someone before you say it’s actually love...or have them walk by again. No, don’t do that, but it’s funny that some people actually think that walking by more than once can change someone’s mind about them. 

Love at first sight is a feeling. Some people can get lucky, but others maybe could think their just hopeless. Find someone you can connect with and then one day you may be able to say, “last true love.”